I am 38 and had a positive home pregnancy test on October 30th. I went for an ultrasound on Nov 15th, at which time, the nurse (who only had limited training to detect whether pregnancy was in uterus and provide a due date) Asked if I knew I had a tilted uterus and that she was having a hard time locating it. After a bit of work, she finally did locate my uterus (switched to vaginal and had me empty my bladder twice) but all she found was a small gestational sac . She had a hard time keeping anything in view and at one point, there were two sacs, one of which was slightly smaller than the other. She stated that one could be a bleed or it could possibly be a second sac, but she just couldn t tell. Because my last menstrual was Sept 27th, we were expecting to see a lot more than we did -- but I have a longer cycle than 28 days, so I thought a late ovulation date might be contributing. I had another appointment, this time with an OB who also conducted an ultrasound -- he also found a gestational sac, measuring 5 weeks 6 days (larger than the first scan) -- but no yolk sac or fetal pole . I am pretty devestated at this point and regret going to either appointment. The OB said it is too early to give me any answers. I had the choice of having some blood work done, but by this point, I really just needed a break from the stress of it all. I kind of figured that if I were going to miscarry, it would happen regardless of whether I had the testing done. I have since found myself going crazy contemplating the possibilities. These are my questions: What is the earliest you can get a positive home pregnancy test? How does a tilted uterus impact an ultrasound scan? It is possible that having a titled uterus can obstruct seeing the yolk sac and fetal pole? Does a tilted uterus impact measurements? How long does it take to miscarry, if you have a blighted ovum? Is miscarriage at this stage painful? Thank you for your time.