Hello Dortor, Thank you for doing the night schedule and your dedication. Isn t the some test in the blood test, called a sedimentiary (SP) test, I think, that tells that there is problem with the liver or gallbladder? About 20 years ago I had two gallstones and because of these tests in the blood tests, I number or % listed as the average marker what ever test is was used to be on the low edge and then went to normal the last 6 years. Had blood tests 1 or more times each year. Nothing more was ever said. I don; t have heartburn or anything a gallbladder digestive than one would have. Jan. 7-10 I had a scale 9 pain spaisms, where my kidnes are, a fever On the 10 I went to the ER and spent 2 days and one night in the Hospital. By a scan then sonar they found I had a serious inflamed gallbadder. Surgeon said it had to be operated on. Did that Feb. which will have two weeks this Fri.. The night of the operation there was a snafu at the pharmacy and the Dr. on duty did not ask my surgeon to please call me ASAP for I had no pain medicine. This wasn t done, altho one pharmcist said he was really angry with me. He denyed this. Make along story shorter, I went through 26 hrs of 8.5 pain and by the way I have a high pain tolerance. Ok, how come I didn t have any pain, discomfort no symptons and not test indications I was having problems until it seriously inflamed. after the operation The surgeon the ballbladder was in really bad shape. Thank you and God Bless, I now have an infection, swolling around the navel, pus,blood, swelling. I have it bandaged. The Dr. pushed all the pus out of it around the naval. Very Painfu. Thanks again