You have had numerous surgeries and too many surgeries, on the
uterus, bowels leading to adhesions.
As most of the adhesions are internal, any stretch could lead to
severe pain. If you were to stop your active life style, any fibrous tissue, if it is still with continuous inflammation may progress to severe contracted scar thereby limiting your life style further.
You cannot do much about the adhesions at this age, but maintaining a healthy active life style is important. Maintain a nutritional diet and active healthy life style.
Lysis of adhesion's is not possible at this age, but even if done, adhesions reformation chance is high.
You can try NSAIDs or
opioid analgesic groups after getting a prescription from your doctor.
You can try methods like trigger point injections, centrally acting medications, or other alternate therapies like
Discuss with your doctor and meet a pain management therapist.
Any further queries, happy to help again.
Dr. Prakash HM