Thanks for your query.
Noted the history of having IBS for 20 years, have lot amount of stress recently that triggered a bad bout, biggest problem is
flatulence, particularly bad in the evenings, with sudden urge to go for loo, then just pass wind and also some liquid, wants help...
Your history is self explanatory.
Since you have IBS for 20 years, there is already a preexisting condition.
The causes of flatulence are as follows:
Stress induced aerophagia.
Altered bacterial flora in the intestines allowing hte gas forming bacteria to thrive more.
I would advise you the following:
- Get the X-ray of the abdomen in standing position.
Ultrasonography to rule out
gall stones or so,
- Tests of stool for three consecutive days.
- Tests of blood, to rule out any diabetes, liver and kidney.
- CT scan of the whole abdomen.
- A course of an antibiotic,
metronidazole and probiotics and see the results.
IF all the reports are normal then you will be treated as a patient of IBS and get treated accordingly.
Stop the foods and aerated beverages that cause such a problem.