Thank you for sharing your concerns with us.
I understand that you might be worried, and I hope that my answer helps you in any way possible.
From what you described, it seems like you would benefit from an actual consultation with a doctor, possibly from adult medicine, to begin with.
If your Lyme's disease was treated appropriately and in a timely fashion, I doubt that any of your symptoms might be due to residual Lyme's disease.
Nerve involvement is indeed one of the various possible consequences of untreated Lyme's, and in order to be able to rule that out completely, I would need more information about what treatment was given to you and how much time did it take for you to get diagnosed (at the time) and for treatment to be instituted.
At first glance, I am tempted to say that this constellation of symptoms might be due to a rheumatologic condition involving inflammation of your small blood vessels, or, a type of
small vessel vasculitis. However, the information you provide is by no means sufficient in order to tell you what you are suffering from.
Further details as to the symptoms you are suffering from, further testing is needed and I do suggest that you please consult with a
Thank you for sharing your concerns on this platform, and should you have further information, we would be glad to try to help you further.
All the best.