hello doctor, i am anand. i underwent for surgeries from 1 yr baby to 11 yr old, and my right kidney was removed due to non function. i have no complications till last march2011. i had a regular check up. recently blood pressure was increased 140/90. and creatinine levels are fluctuating like 1.4,1.6,1.9 and 1.7.and serum uric acid is 7.6 and ESR(w) is 62 sodium is 133and 24 hrs urinary protien is vol of urine is 2400 ml/24hr and total protien excreted is 624 mg /24 hr, and ultra sound abdomen impression is 1 mild hepatomegaly.2 cholelithiasis(in gal bladder).3residual right megalo ureter 4.grade i renal parenchymalchanges with mild hydro nephrosis, tortuous dialed left hydroureter. so these r the reports please tell my present status of renal function