hi,,,two days ago i was visit to the doctor coz my back and chest is hurting,and i re request him if i can get a xray coz i want to be sure if there is problem of my back and chest but he insist not get an xray coz he check my chest and back by deep inhale and exhale...he said my breathing is ok and he not found any problem of my phlegm coz its clear....he give me a ambroxol,celecoxib and cetirizine....i take the ambroxol after meals breakfast,lunch and dinner,..but this morning when i take i feel my shoulder weaken and i feel vomit...i still take in afternoon but i feel bad again.....and the celecoxib i take that two times a day...but i stop last night coz im not feel hurt in my back and chest.....i just want to ask if ii need to stop the ambroxol coz i feel weaken in my left shoulder.....and if i need to continue my three kind of medicine i take...thanks