first of all you should avoid exposure to dust, smoke, cold air and even house dust as these may aggravate your problems.
you should go for total and differential count of wbc to rule out
eosinophilia, you should also go for pulmonary function test,
echocardiography, chest x ray to assess your cardiopulmonary status.
you should start taking some anti histaminic like levocetrizine , you can also take
montelukast or sodium cromoglycate or even some oral steroids like
dexamethasone , combination of these drugs is taken for better result for which you should meet a physician. you should take some hot drink like green tea or hot milk. start doing some regular exercises ,
aerobics and some pulmonary exercise, drink enough of water every day say about 10 glass to keep your muco cilliary action intact.if required then antibiotics can be taken in acute condition.you can also take some food supplements containing antioxidant like flavonoids in long term basis .
thanks for consulting HCM.