Thanks for asking HCM
i think by now you know what is ischemic cardiac
myopathy...its hardeneing of arteries..due to plagues...which accumulated due to excess consumption of fat.
If we got to treat you...
1. you should change your life style avoid alcohol strictly no even a 10 ml of wine incase if you take .
2.drink healthy food cooked in less oil/boiled or steamed food.
3 avoid caffeine less fat food
And coming through treatment process seeing you
ejection fraction and age consideration we cant perform surgery.after 3 to 4 weeks of observation in your health you may needed a pace maker to control your
heart rate.
and also myopathy leads to hearts failure to control you need
metaprolol drug. digoxin these are prescribed drug i suggest you to go and meet a cardiologist for these medicines
and coming to your adrenal gland hyper function which you clearly didn't mention which levels r elevated like
cortisol or
aldosterone the elevated levels are the cause leading to itching you may need steroid treatment for management under supervision