Hi, may I answer your health queries right now ? Please type yHello, I am 25 year old female…I have breathing difficulty in all day long since 2009 when I was attacked by low grade fever for one month…after that I had this problem twice or third in every week…I went to chest specialist and he asked me to do some test like X-ray of chest, blood test, ECG and spirometry…the report was normal except some difficulty in spirometry test and slightly fast heart rate…he said it is due to anxiety…I have no asthma…he gave some medicine to remove anxiety and palpitation…I was fine for 6 months and the breathing problem then occurred once in a month.. but this year (2011) this difficulty arises newly…only at the time when I go to bed for sleeping…it lasts for ½ to 1 hour and goes away.. it is feel like heavy thing fall in my chest ... also I have chest pain in my left side from 2009 too and this pain occurs everyday and all day long which radiates left to right or up to down and sometimes middle of the chest…the pain is not severe but irritating…so I went to a cardiologist n done color Doppler n again ECG….the report was normal too….he said it is may be from GERD or anxiety and suggested me to take pantoprazole but the pain didn’t go away yet…also now a days I feel pain in my neck,collar bone and left arm also in joints…my blood pressure sometimes rises slightly like 120/90,doc said it is normal too… but I am worry about my health…I feel like something wrong inside me…so pls let me know why this is happen to me? is it angina or any heart or lung related problem or anxiety????? Pls let me know………
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