I am 54 years old, 5ft 3in., 138lbs. For the past seven months, i have been in constant pain. It started in the lower immediate right side of back and within two days I was also in pain on lower left pelvic area. I was told by the doctor, when I finally went about a week and half, that it sounded like kidney stones. A few days later, after being in a lot of pain, I had a ct scan, which said I might have had a kidney stone, but none were seen. After not getting any better and getting worse, I went to a urologist. His examination said I had interstitual cystitis and had a bladder distention. I also had bladder rescue treatments as well as followed a close diet for this. Nothing helped. I was then sent to a physical medicine doctor for the continued pain in my back. She believed it to be osteoarthritis and gave me four back injections. These turned out to be a nightmare and suffered severe pain for the following two weeks. From there I was sent to a neurosurgeon, after two different mri they cannot find anything that would cause this pain. The last mri showed cysts on my liver and so a ct scan was ordered last week. Today I was sent to a gastro doctor for those results. He didn't see anything other than a few cysts on my liver and kidneys. now he is ordering a ultrasound for my gallbladder, because of pain also in that area. This will be done in a couple of days. I just don't think this is the cause of my severe back pain and front pelvic area. It is almost more than i can stand. It has been continuous 24 hours a day for seven months. I also had physical therapy, recommended by the neurosurgeon, for 12 visits, during which time the therapists agreed that somethin else must be going on, because they could not get past the traction and ultrasound and go on to the exercises. Please give me some indication of what might be going on.