Hi Doc, My elder brother aged 33 yrs, is mentally challenged person. He had a brain fever at the age of 1.5 yrs and post that he had many epileptic attacks and subsequently lead to mental health retardation. He was administered with various medicines like Gardinal, Mysolin, Eptoin , Sodium Valpurate ,Garoin etc. 10 yrs ago he was finally given Garoin and Mysolin and post that his convulsions stopped and he was ok for few yrs. But in the last 1.5 yrs he is slowly slipping into Depression and sort of keep talking to himself. Last month he had strong epileptic attack after 6 yrs of gap and currently the neurology doctor has put him on Gardinal, Eptoin and Mysolin. Due to these medications he is always very drowsy and extremely less active. Is there any other better medicine towards his condition. I am writing this query from Blore, India.