hello my fiance has been suffering bad to worse to now migraine like head aches after her second c section, that have gradually been getting worse from day one, so she had experienced these painful normal problems apparently from our first child but something is not right with how much pain this is causing her, and this morning when she had only been up an hour and a half after lying down for 30 hours was feeling almost no pain for the second time in since having our daughter but since then has been the same as the last couple of times and within 3 hours was finding it too painful to move,sit or stand and is now tonight to scared to move off the bed as lying back down is starting to not help ease the pain. it has been allmost 12 days now since the opp, we have been into KEMH emergency twice, the first time they said its definately related to the c section as she has all the symptoms and about 1 in every 200 women suffer from it (were they puncture something) some of her symptoms are back ache, really painful headachs brought on by sitting or standing up,was constipated,fever comes and goes,extremely sensetive to light when headaces start. (she does have a very high pain tolerance and she describe it as more painful than when she got to seven centimetres dialated.) we seen the head anethiest on the last visit to be told its not related to the birth its something else? please try our local gp, also it took six times to put the epidural in is this normal?? and how can i help her control this SEVERE head pain, she has tryied stopping her panadine forte for the last couple of days but these are the first since thursday night she has taken 1 oxy codone and 2 panadine forte about nine pm and she went to sleep around eleven thirty still in alot of pain. hopefully you can help