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Your child seems to be having Acute
urticaria. It is characterized by itchy red or skin colored raised wheals which are transient, that means appears in one place and soon disappears from there to appear somewhere else. The most common triggers of acute urticaria in children are infections and food. Seafood, meat, poultry, egg, strawberry, coloring agents etc are commonly implicated. It is subjective and any food can cause it. Other common causes are medicines and
insect bites.
It is also possible that a child can develop urticaria without any identifiable triggering factor.
I would suggest to you the following-
1. Look for any triggering factors. If you identify it,( eg- any food item which was newly introduced) please avoid it in the future as it could trigger the rashes again.
2. You could apply
calamine lotion on the rashes which will have a soothing action.
3. You could give
benadryl syrup twice a day for 5 days. This will relieve his symptoms.
4. If you notice swelling of lips/ difficulty in swallowing/ difficulty in breathing, please visit a doctor immediately as this could indicate swelling of the mucosae which could be life threatening.
Hope this helps you.
Take care.