8 years ago your doctor prescribed REXIPRA i.e. escitalopram 10 mg and still you are using this drug but in reduced dosage .
Now main complaints are
shortness of breath ( when upstairs or walking i.e. exertion time ) ,
dizziness .
Dizziness and tremors are the main side effects of rexipra , but in your case I don't think so because you are taking a very low dose and that too once or twice in a week .
As you mentioned that you are 36 years old so these symptoms may be due to these possibilities , these includes.
1 Coronary
artery disease , as you mentioned that walking or raising upstairs develops breathlessness so this is an indication of heart involvement . Diagnosis can be confirmed by E K G & echo. So consult a Cardiologist and get his opinion regarding this .
2 The next reason may be
anemia , as you mentioned that 11 gm %
hemoglobin present so get in blood examination afresh to find out exact value of hemoglobin level & deal accordingly .
Depression in itself produces such type of symptoms as you were taking
anti depressant ( previously ) so consider this point also.
In my opinion in your case deal as I mentioned above.
Good luck.