Ok, on Thanksgiving day, i stepped off of a higher than normal step. landed on a 2 inch thick shoe and down I wen. My right ankle immediately swoll to the size of an orange on the outside and a golf ball on the inside. I had exrays and dr. said there was what he thought was an old fracture and possible a new one, but too swollen to tell for sure. He wrapped it and put me in a splint. Well, that night and the next morning it totally was killing me, then all of a sudden the pain sorta just stopped.... I was moving and tho i tried to limit my walking, I DID walk... NOW, it is still swollen and warm to touch and greyish on the top of the foot and crawling up my toes.. But, feels REAL NUMB and the toes are freezing... My wentire leg is COLD... and tingly... What should i do now?