Hi. I had an infection under the foreskin (not STD) and tried putting Savlon antiseptic cream on it. Seemed to work, but became sore again after I stopped using it. went to doctor and was prescribed Pimafucort Cream, which cleared it up. The weird thing is, it now looks like I have been circumcised. Whereas the foreskin used to cover the glans completely, it seems to have shrunk. My doctor had never heard of that happening before. I'm just curious if anyone has heard of that effect, and is it caused by the infection, the Savlon, or the Pimafucort cream. The doctor took a swab, which he just seemed to dab briefly in one spot... for what ever reason, the lab wasn't able to culture anything, so I don't know what I had). It was some months ago now. I presume I used the cream sparingly for 7 days as instructed. 47yr old male, 70kg, excellent health.