I have a rash which seems to have come from an bugbite also how do emr barriers work specifically
my rash seems to be pretty serious, my heel area has been infected. The level of itchiness isn't imbarable, but it's close to being it when I start itching it, if I ignore it, it's fine but it hasn't g lone away for awhile now and it seems to worsen. A fine description of it's appearance wuld be a large cluster of bumps surrounded ith an inflammed leveled area. Bugbitesare the least likely because I have stress fractured my heel which is extremely small fine enough to heal on it''s own however the most likely cause has to be the medicine which I have applied t aid with my heel. It is some Chinese concoction which I assume to be herbally harmless though I don't have any allergies...unfortunately, the medicine has no seal and is just a bottle of what smells like sweet wine.