Hello, I am a 19 year old male. I recently came home from University on the 14th December and around a week later,whilst at home, I started getting hot flushes and a pins and needles sensation in my upper body; around my stomach, neck and back and I also become sweaty, but only under my armpits. The hot flush and pins and needles are severely uncomfortable. I started getting the hot flushes around the 20th December whilst in a supermarket. I was packing bags and was wearing a christmas jumper. Each time I have these episodes, I have to go outside in order to cool down. It happened again on Christmas day around lunch time, and around 3 times since then when wearing normal clothes, during the day and evening. So far, I have not experienced these episodes whilst sleeping. I suffer from athletes feet and believe I have jock itch as well. We have mice in our home and it is quite unclean.