HI, do you have any symptoms like
shortness of breath, forced respiration, tightness of chest, wheezing and coughing,
bronchoconstriction releaved by bronchodalator like salbutamol , these symptoms may be present through out the year in reduced intencity and aggravate in special situation or they may menifest themselves only in special situation like after moderate or severe exercise, cold weather , exposure to smoke, air pollen or fumes, formaldehyde, cigarete smoke, or even house dust. these symptoms with suggestive PFT IS HIGHLY INDICATIVE OF ASTHMA, and if these symptoms and also PFT results improves with
bronchodilator (salbutamol) inhalation then it almost confirms the diagnosis.
even though for your clarifiation you can go for
methacholine challenge test, chest X RAY, complete pannel allergen test, and salbutamol response test.
i suggest you to avoid those conditions which precipetate your symptoms, have regular
spirometry to follow up this condition, take your drug properly and do some yoga regularly.
wish you all the best.