Hello! Welcome to HCM.
Pain in abdomen & lower back suggests either
musculoskeletal pain or
urinary tract stone related pain.
Do you have any urinary complaints/fever?
Stone in ureter causes obstruction to urine outflow & smooth muscles in ureter contract excessively to overcome this obstruction and so is the
severe pain.
In such cases in my clinic, I advise ultrasound abdomen & pelvis, X-ray KUB, urine & stool routine, CBC, BSL, renal function tests.
Treatment is done accordingly.
Drink plenty of water that is boiled & cooled.
Consult your doctor for antibiotics, diuretics, smooth muscle relaxants like
drotaverine and
diclofenac, tamsulosin etc if needed depending on site & size of the stone.
Hope this helps.
Wish you speedy recovery.