HEART ATTACK TOO YOUNG!!!please give me more medical clarifications with this. and PLEASE GIVE ME CLEAR HOPES!!! my boyfriend just had MI. that s what the doctor confirmed after bring him to the hospital due to severe chest pain and asthma attack. he said he s got a blockage in one of his artery and i don t exactly know everything since it was his mom who talked to the doctor. thing is, he has symptoms of dilated cardiomyopathy and he has already been diagnosed with such condition before (this he kept secret from me). the doctor said they should perform an open heart surgery on him but is still relieving the damage in his lungs caused by his severe asthma attack. plus, i can t keep from blaming myself since the doc said the albuterol he used worsened his situation. i didn t know he s alergic to it. i often buy it for him when he tells me so!! everything is so complicated!!! and the doctor also mentioned about heart transplant. though he s on the priority list now, we can hardly get any compatible donor. i m afraid this is becoming uncontrollable!!! i love my boyfriend so much and i just can t stop myself from crying now! i can t be strong no matter how i try. he s in comma now and is being supported by a ventilator. look, MY HANDSOME, LOVABLE, INTELLIGENT, AND EXTREMELY TALENTED BOYFRIEND IS JUST 19 YEARS OLD FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!! yes, He was stressed these days and it might iritate his asthma...but DEFINITELY NOT HEART FAILURE AND DEFINITELY NOT HEART ATTACK!!! this can t be..if it was heart attack, he should have already died soon after he started complaining about extreme pain in his heart. but it took him overnight until he could finally seek medical assistance!!! MI kills immediately right???BESIDES, HE S JUST RUNNING 20!!! TOO YOUNG!!!aside from complaining about mild chest pains, he looked perfect just days before his asthma struck him!!! and now he is this ill!!!