dear ashraf
i agrees with 2nd opinion you had done a right thing before going for surgery 2nd opinion is must and you did the same with benefit
now coming to your complaint
ARGENTUM METALICUM 1M 2DRAM 10-10-10 pills dissolve those pills in a glass of warm water and after gargling with that water drink the same water
repeat this process almost 3 times a day
within a week only you will see marvelous change in your voice
for reccurent infection - like you are using your voice much in your profession so this could be normal for you to get infected all the time
we have to treat you perfectly so better give us the complete detailed history about your complaints and we can clear this up very well with
homeopathic medicines
overuse of voice will affect your vocal cord for sure and will damage your voice
in case of emergency means before going to any speech if you wish to get your voice better
just take coca 200 and causticum 200 5-5 pills from each in same formate as prescribed earlier
for that write me on
to purchase any of homeopathic medicines online
visit -
email -
call +91 98254 44736