Hi I have a bestfriend who took cytotec during her first month of pregnancy and I think she took 6tablets but the abortion failed because she still has the baby and she is 3months pregnant right now, and I am worry for the baby to have any birth defects but I already read many articles and things that is saying that there is a low chance to have the birth defect IS IT TRUE? and my friend decided to keep the baby and im glad because im really against the abortion, but im still worried for my friend s health and the baby since I read that it can affect the health of the mother in what matter or is it dangerous? PLEASE HELP ME I VE BEEN LOOKING AND SEARCHING ANSWER FOR MY BESTFRIEND:(, I am so worried for the child and I want to help them even just for the knowledge. Is my friend going to be safe and the child will be normal? please state all the possibilities, I am aslo a medical student right now so I am more concern. THANK YOU PLEASE DO ANSWET THIS PLEASE:(