53 year old male. 6 1.5 190lbs.Mild BPH Presence of Cysts on left kidney only. Experiencing variable, dull left side/back pain.No known familly history of PCKD. Had a UTI 9 months ago, resolved with a 1 month course of antibiotics, recent chemical urinalysis. Erythrocytes 2mg/L Leukocyte Esterase 25 WBC/uL Protein, Glucose, Ketones negative. Nitrite Negative General Chemistry.Creatinine 107 (down from 123 4 months ago, when I was exercising more and weighed less) eGFR 70 Urate 520 Albumin/Creatinine ratio 6.4 (Albumin 16 Mg/L creatinine (LOW) 2.5 mmol/L.Is it possible cysts are causing dull pain and blood in urine.Is this still more likely an infection.Is there a suggestion that the cysts are non-simple and that there may be a malignancy.