Thanks for writing to us with your health concern.
It is quite risky for you to try to conceive again.
The reasons being -
1. Fundal perforations have high chance of recurrence.
Bicornuate uterus itself increases chance of preterm labour.
3. Previous 2 C sections make you prone to scar weakness.
Given these 3 factors in combination, even if you do venture out for a
pregnancy, you would need to have an Elective CS quite early.
This could be even at 34 - 36 weeks.
If you are happy with two healthy children, I can see no reason for you to risk your life again.
It is best that your husband should go for
vasectomy, so that you are never endangered again.
Do not take on the unnecessary risk of
uterine rupture.
You were lucky yours was managed well, it can result in death at times.
If you DO want to try, wait for atleast 3 years before planning another child.
And I strongly discourage that.
All the best
Take care.