Hi, How are you doing ?
In your history only problem is your age. Something you cannot change.
You can try for
pregnancy anytime after the surgery of polyp &
cyst removal.
A lady is born with a fixed number of eggs, every month you throw out a fixed number of eggs. You ovulate only 400-450 times per month.
Always the healthy eggs are selected for ovulation, So after each cycle, the crowd of healthy eggs is lesser than the previous period. By 35 yrs eggs are significantly depleted. Then by 40 yrs nearly all good eggs are gone.
I won't disappoint you, am just giving you the facts.
Highest age of pregnancy reported is 45 yrs, highest age of pregnancy I have got by treating is 41, she got twins. I just wanted to say chances is reduced not absent.
So first have a Serum AMH level too find the number of eggs left in ovaries. This will only give the Quantity , not quality of eggs.
Kindly see if the following checklist of investigations is done
Semen analysis at least 2- done 4 weeks apart preferably in an
infertility center ( examination done by andrologist), Blood sugars
Wife - Blood Sugars,
Thyroid profile
Ultrasound scans to evaluate
Uterus , Ovaries & adnexa
Confirm tubal patency- most important- Tube is the connection
between uterus & ovaries( the bridge where sperm meets the egg &
forms a baby) this is size of hair follicle & cannot be seen on scans.
So check with HSG( Xray with dye), or SSG ( Scan with dye) or
If all this done & found normal , nothing can stop a pregnancy with God's will.
Een if evrything is normal, I would suggest you to have IUI for 3 cycles, if negative go for IVF, as you are running out of time
Now if tests show that you have low or no eggs, you can opt for donor eggs. Here a donor ( just like blood donor ) is stimulated with injections & egs are taken out under scan guidance, she is free to go. Same day your husband's sperms are taken & injected into the egg, inlab. They form embryos which are frozen in your name. These embryos are kept into your uterus & you deliver as a normal pregnancy. You can have a second baby with the frozen embryo. There is no age limit, you can keep having babies as long as the embryos are there
Hope I have cleared your query, do writa back if any more queries
All the best