Hallow Dear,
You have taken appropriate doses of Tab.
Misoprostol according to the Misoprostol only regime recommended by WHO. Usually after such regime,
abortion is initiated within 24 hours of the last dose of Misoprostol. If you have not aborted with this regime; and even after the vaginal doses after 12 hours, the medicine have failed in your case.
You have following options available to complete the termination of pregnancy:
1. Take Tab. Mifepristone followed after 24-48 hours by Tab. Misoprostol. These medicines should be taken by the advice and prescription of a Gynaecologist only. If this also fails or otherwise:
2. Opt for surgical method like MVA aspiration or suction evacuation depending up on the period of gestation.
Since you have already consumed sufficient number of Tab. Misoprostol, you should go for termination of pregnancy as these medicines are known to cause developmental abnormalities in the baby.
Before you opt for any method, I would request you to get
ultrasonography done. If there are products of conception in the
uterine cavity, opt for either of the methods suggested above. However, if the uterine cavity is empty in spite of the positive pregnancy test, there is a high possibility of pregnancy implanted somewhere outside the uterine cavity (ectopic pregnancy). Medical termination methods can terminate only intrauterine pregnancy.
Ectopic pregnancy is a serious condition and leads to bleeding emergency when ruptured. It then requires surgical intervention with many units of
blood transfusion.
Therefore, please report to a Gynaecologist ASAP and do not take any action of your own.
I hope you get the message.
Dr. Nishikant Shrotri