When i Drink Alcohol, After My Buzz Subsides i Go To Sleep, i Wake Up W/ My Heart Pounding Fast.(read below) and it takes me awhile to go back to sleep, mostly because i worry, than when i do and i wake up again my heart is beating as normal..... what would cause this ? is it anything to worry about? im only talking about like 3 beers... No just never drink again crap either, i want answers and solutions not avoidance i am only 28 years old, and have no prior drug abuse or any reason id have a bad heart... i suspect maybe blood sugar, slight hangover (if its even possible)... hypoglycemia.... but i have phobias relating to death by disease which i fear mostly: congestive heart failure.... for those of you insinuating that i am a drunk... moderate alcohol consumption is 14 beers per week, i drink 3 beers, barely enough to get a buzz... and i don t even drink every week maeve, or whatever... a liver doctor is called a hepotologist, plus doctors KNOW how to spell as they are required to go to college