Hi & Welcome.
1. The following hormones control the testes and the ovaries:
Follicular Stimulating hormone (FSH) &
Luteinizing Hormone (LH) which are produced by
anterior pituitary under the influence of another
endocrine gland the Hypothalamus.
2. Interstitial cells of Leydig (seminiferous tubules in the testes) produce
testosterone in the presence of luteinizing hormone (LH).
3. Ovary & Testis is controlled by hypothalamus and anterior pituitary gland
Male sex hormone (Testosterone) is responsible for:
Maturation of male reproductive organs
Production & maturation of sperms
Male secondary sexual characters like growth of hairs, hypertrophy of vocal cords
After puberty, maintain fertility & libido
The ovary produces two sex hormones Estrogen and
Estrogen is responsible for:
Development of genital organs in females & secondary sexual characters, Proliferation of ducts and stoma in the breast, etc.
Responsible for the proliferative phase of the endometrium
Cervical secretion becomes thin, watery & alkaline which facilitates entry of spermatozoa.
Progesterone is responsible for:
Secretory phase of the endometrium
Maintenance of pregnancy
Cervical mucus becomes scanty, thick, viscous, & acidic -hostile to sperm penetration
Proliferation of the acini in the breast
Fat deposition
Hope I could answer your query.