Hi! My age is 35, weight - 60 kgs. Medical history- absolute healthy. Diet- Vegetarian. I do 20mints. brisk walk in the morning, then 50 mints yoga and then 1hr meditation. Today (19.11.2011) is my 10th day of the cycle. The ovulation profile shows that the size of my Rt. ovary is 18mms, Lt. is very tiny. Today in the morning, I have taken an injection of OVUNAL-HP 10000 I.U. Pls. suggest .Which is the most fertile date and time? This is the third time in a row I have been injected with this medicine. After my ovule ruptures, which is successful, the doctor asks me to take Duphaston tab. twice a day. Which has been changed to Lupigest-100 this time. I am on treatment for the third month. My HSG report dated : 24.08.2011 writes- DILATATION OF THE TERMINAL PART OF THE LEFT FALLOPIAN TUBE - SUGGESTIVE OF TERMINAL HYDROSALPINX. and PATENT RIGHT FALLOPIAN TUBE.. My husband's Semen Examination is absolutely normal. My previous two cycles showed that my LT. ovary ruptured, and my periods cycle started immediately after my 15 days Duphaston medicine finished. Pls. tell me is it safe to continue using this round of treatment i have started? How long can this be continued? Is LUPIGEST- 100 a better medicine than Duphaston? Thank You.