Hi,My name is Jon. You can consider me as a health freak since the start of this year. The reason being is that I just had an episode of high cholesterol, including stressful situations in office, therefore experiencing heart palpitation, nausea, sweaty hands and hard of breathing.Thank God, I had a change of mindset (coz i dont wanna die) and had to eat proper foods (mainly vegetables, fish, no dairy products,and lots of fruits) and exercise. After 3 months, things got back to normal, except the feeling of anxiety. I thought then its an blood ph imbalance, so i ate more fruits, but to no avail. Ive had my insides/abdomens checked (ultrasound),all are normal, had my liver and kidneys checked, results are normal,had my triglycerides and cholesterol checked, normal,except for LDL (.5 units lower than the lowest in range, i think its caused by lots of jogging). There was this time wherein i physically felt as if the anxiety just turned off without any reason at all, and it lasted for 2.5 weeks, then it turned on again. I hate this feeling. It feels like there s an impending doom, therefore causing me to have sleepless nights. I dont know what kind of doctor do i have to go to, hematologist? endoctrinologist? nutritionist? can you please guide me on this?Jon