hello dr. this year I had an single exposure while having intercourse with a CSW,after one week of exposure I caught ear infection, n for 3 months had plenty of symptoms,most of them was was related to stress..after 91 days I got tested for hiv1,2 by antibody test which came back negative. N then after 100 days got tested for syphillis by vdrl,hep b and hepc..and for herpes type1,type 2 by IgM test. which all came back negative.I just found out that IgM testing done after 100 days of exposure is useless. I don t have any symptom of common STD.but sometime I have frequent urination and right abdominal pressure like feeling n groin node pain. my question is 1) which std test should I take. 2) Which test is accurate for recognising hepres type1,n type 2. 3) should I get tested for chlamydia and gonorreha? 4) is my negative vdrl test result conclusive?