hello, I am trying to locate a dr that spelizes in seizures, where a patient loses conciencdeness, and is a friend of mine, I found him in Blackburn, Virginia, patient is around or in her 30 s, had seizures for over 15 yrs (give or take) I witnessed her having a seizure and at that time, she was on Dilantin, and said it caused her discomfort w/ stomach issues, but now her seizures are ore severe, and the family is trying to get her the best help, they can, and they can afford it, but having said that, she is losing concienseness, along with the usual symptoms of grand mal type seizures, these are quite frequent, the family has money, but not very educated on this matter, this is a woman with with 3 young children and I am worried about her, as her friend, I had located a Dr, in Blackburg, Va upon recommendations of someone else that her life was drastically changed for the better by this dr, All I know he is Board Cert, and been in practice in that area, hoping you can help, she is actuially at a neurologist office right now, as apparently the family now realizes after all these years their daughter needs really good and concise help. I am not able to pay a fee, I just noticed this feature on here, I am just trying to save a mother and her children and husband, from losing her,to this problem