Hi, I m a 17 year old female and I m kind of panicking. I weigh around 126 pounds and I have a health history of POTS and Endometriosis, plus some exercise induced asthma. Recently I ve been leaning over and my nose has been dripping a water-like substance when I stand back up and it s frightening me. I haven t been showing signs of a cold, and it isn t mucus-y. My back, neck, and head have been killing me, and I know it s not my bed. Recently I wound up tripping and hitting my head so maybe it has something to do with that? My mom has Arnold Chiari Malformation, and when I told her about it, she looked scared and didn t say anything, so I wound up googling things and I read something about brain leakage? I don t know if it could be something small, something involving my head injury a while back, brain leakage, or even Chiari, but I m scared of not knowing where to begin... Do you think you could help me figure out what could be going on with me or what kind of doctor/specialist I should see soon?!