Thanks for your query.
Noted the history and understood the concerns.
The feeling of fart but unable to pass and getting rumbling sounds in the lower abdomen indicate the following things:
Excessive gas producing bacterial overgrowth.
acute intestinal obstruction by a stricture or by fecoliths in colon.
This can be diagnosed by:
X-ray of the abdomen in standing position.
Per-rectal digital examination
Colonoscopy and biopsy as may be required.
CT scan if indicated on clinical evaluation and clinical evaluation.
Once the diagnosis is done, it is easy to get the proper management and cure.
I hope there is no stress or
anxiety as these too cause
aerophagia or IBS like picture.
Tests of stool, blood and urine.
A course of an antibiotic if infection is found on stool tests.
Probiotics, banana, activated
charcoal, curds/yogurt help further.