I am 40 yrs & 10 months of age. I have been feeling poorly for a long time (several years) & was diagnosed with severe anemia. I still have a regular menstrual cycle - 5 days every 21 days. I bleed like crazy & large chunks of blood (clots?) come out too. I was also told that I have endometriosis. I had a D & C a couple of years ago and things were better for a couple of months. I m back to heavy bleeding again & was told that I should have a uterine ablation but I don t have the means to do that right now. I suffer from constant sinus infections & my body aches all over most days. My general practitioner told me I have fibromyalgia & i have been on & off a host of various meds. I had blood work done. I am no doctor but some of the numbers seem to be alarming when googled. My sugar (fasting) was 103. Not too bad but the only other time I had a sugar-related issue was 21 years ago, gestational diabetes. TSH was 2.27 but went up to 4.08. Total cholesterol was 228, LDL was 158. Hemoglobin was 11.4 (Reference Range for the lab was 11.7-15.5) MCH 25.9 - Low (Reference Range 27-33) MCHC 31.4 - Low (Reference range 32-36) RDW 18.9 - High (Reference Range 11-15) Ferritin 6 (Reference Range, more than 10) I went to an ENT for the chronic sinus infections. He was pushing the hCg diet so I bought in...the entire 6 weeks, I was getting a doctor administered B complex shot. Knowing I was already anemic, I thought the B shots would give me the promised euphoric feeling but i never felt that. The doctor said that the reason I wouldn t feel that euphoria was because I must already be REALLY, severely deficient in B vitamins. So what does all of this mean? I still don t have a diagnosis. Or any idea what to do about my physical symptoms. Family History of diabetes, Non-Hodgkin s Lymphoma, & Leukemia.