hello me and my girlfriend had unprotected sex during her 11thday of the cycle, but she drunk 4pcs of Nordette within 65hrs of unprotected sex, then 4pcs again after 12 hrs of the 1st dosage, she did not felt the side effect of using Nordette as ECP like vomiting, dizziness . and now she is already 4days delay of her menstrual period , but she told me that its usually happening to her, sometimes she was 4days to 1 week late... and also i have varicocele in my right testis for more than a year, the pain is 4 out of 10... so what is the chances of her getting pregnant while she took Nordette as ECP + i have varicocele? pls help me.... should she wait for another 1 week for her menstrual period while she is now 4days delay? thanks