Azithromycin can help in tonsillitis-if the organism is sensitive to it. The Rabeprezol is antacid( May have given to avoid acidity due to azithromycin)- but it does not have role in treatment of tonsillitis.
Tonsellitis can cause difficulty in swallowing-which is associated with
fever, swelling/pain/ difficulty in in swallowing,
It can be infective- bacterial/viral in origin.
* Viral tonsillitis is usually controlled with treatment with anti inflammatory drugs/ gargles within 5-7 days.
* But if it persists, a pathological test is needed for causative organism.
Treatment in such case consists of antibiotic (Azithromycin/amoxicillin/ amoxicillin calvunate-depending on sensitivity of causative bacteria) - along with anti inflammatory drug (
Ibuprofen -
paracetamol combination)/ anti allergic pills as per need.
Gargles /Lozenges/cough syrups ade added as per need.
A consultation of
ENT specialist helps in choosing antibiotic , in case of bacterial tonsillitis.