hello Dr.,Iam 26 yr old 169cms tall,86 kg,irregular pds,with mild BILATERAL PCOS...I have been on trtmnt frm last month onwds...huband's Sp Count is 16 million,50% motile,70%normal,his FSH is 2.86 and Testosterone levels are 1.83,he was scanned but evrythg ws found normal...he was given Fostimon and choriomon injections last month,with Clomid tbs...I was on Duphaston and on 6th and 7th day of this cycle I was on Fostimon injctn...3 mature follicles measuring 2.64,2.11 & 2.47cm were seen,I had slight pain on the left side ofthe lower abdmn on day 12...on the scan on 13th day saw tht 2 follicles had released.Dr gave me choriomon injectn the same day...I had unprotected sex on 11th day...Dr advised to have sex on days 15-16..what r the chances of my Pregnanncy this month bcoz She said Husband's count would increase aftr 3 months time only.