My INR is 4.8 and I have not changed my diet and I haven t taken any new prescribed or OTC medication. My target level is 2.5-3.5 and I take a daily dose of 3.5mg. I am not sick with the flu, cold, etc. I have however, been dealing with severe unexplained pain in my thigh for the last few days. Even with the pain I have not resorted to taking OTC tylenol or any type of pain medication. (I have a hard enough time taking my prescribed medication, I hate taking medication). Could this pain possibly be related to my slightly elevated INR? Also, I did have an ultrasound on my leg a couple of days ago and there was no indication of a clot. I do have a history of diabetes, heart disease and a PE, and I am not on the coumadin for life because of Antiphospholipid Antibody Syndrome.