Thanks for writing to us. Following things are needed to carry out.
Repeated intake of abortion pills are NOT good for health and may create problem in future
You should know that
Medical abortion can be done up to 9 wk safely by abortion pills (
Cytotec with Mifepristone tab) under the guidance of local gynecologist (need complete prescription) as it may cause unnecessary
excessive vaginal bleeding,
abdominal cramp and it will be helpful in the emergency situation also.
As you have taken Cytotec 6 tabs (total) already, then you have to await at least 48-72 hrs for starting of abortion process., by the means of vaginal bleeding, abdominal cramp etc.
There is NO definite harmful effect in the body due to cytotec. However, some tolerable adverse effects will be there.
If bleeding doesn't start after waiting 72 hrs, I suggest to consult with gynecologist for proper assessment of the case and take suggestive measure accordingly.
Practice safe sex and use emergency pill or condom to avoid unwanted pregnancy in future. Good luck.