Welcome in H.C.M.
I have gone through your query regarding sudden loss of hearing and feeling of blocked ear after sustaining
injury over left ear. You are interested to know about the healing or recovery, weather it is spontaneous or needs specialist care.
In this connection I would like to say that most likely you are having traumatic perforation of ear drum, and such perforations often heales well as our ear drum has got tremendous power of regeneration except if ear is kept clean and dry i.e. no
ear drop or oil should be enter inside.
Secondarily if clotted blood is seen in the
ear canal that should also be not disturbed because most of the time margins of perforation regenerates and moves along the surface of clott.
During recovery we should care for-
1- Don't put any ear drop or oil in the ear.
2- Take anti inflammatory.
3- Avoid
cold so may use anti histaminic.
4- steam inhalation.
Usually about 2 to 3 weeks time is requared for complete recovery, if unfortunately healing is not desirable than these possibilities may be-
a- If margins of perforation are folded.
b- If patient is already suffering from upper
respiratory tract infection & cold.
3- If force is quite large so ear
ossicles are get dislodge.
In all above situation
ENT specialist supervision becomes necessary.