Hello! Thank you for writing. How it works
Lipocut 120 mg capsule inhibits enzymes responsible for the breakdown of fats in the intestine. As a result, Lipocut 120 mg capsule prevents the digestion and absorption of fats in the intestine.
Common side effects
Abdominal pain, Fat in stool , Bowel
incontinence, Flatus with discharge, Oily spotting,
Abdominal cramp,
Flatulence, Soft stools.
So when you stop getting it if you continue to eat the same amount of food you will regain weight. It is better to lose weight in a healthy way by eating moderate amounts of foods and exercise. This will help you in your overall physical and mental health.
For example:
Breakfast: one slice of brown fat with 1 tablespoon of cottage cheese, one slice of chicken ham, one cup of kiwi
10:00-10:30 one fruit 3 pieces of almonds
lunch 13:00-13:30
two chicken wings, one cup of vegetables: Brokoli, cabbage,etc
1/2 boiled corn
17:00-17:30 one cup of yogurt 2% fat and one fruit: Apple or orange or 1/2banana.
Dinner: 20:00-20:30 120gram of meat and a cup of salad.
This is a general idea of portions and the healthy way of eating. Also exercise you can do weight training: one day chest and
biceps, one day Back and triceps, one day legs and shoulders, one day cardio. More muscle equal more enery burning.
Thank you. Best regards