Hello & welcome,
Sutures are generally removed 7 - 10 days after removal of wisdom tooth without any problem. You already have completed 10 days after extraction so sutures should be looked for removal now.
Yes, having a lump or swelling all along the extraction wound is quiet normal but only for a week after extraction & not more than that.
Swelling in your case might be due to sutures are still there or wound have got infected secondarily.
Remember one important thing, sutures though necessary for proper approximation of wound flaps, if not removed on correct time, increases the chances of wound getting infected several times.
This can also happen if
oral hygiene is not maintained properly by the patient. So, look for proper cleaning with soft brush to avoid damage to your wound.
Use of Local Antiseptic mouth wash is preferred here to rinse oral cavity thereby removing any accumulated food debris which may infect the wound.
Visit you
dentist to get the wound clinically examined. Antibiotics may be given if the infection is slightly on higher side. But that too, depends on your dentist's perception.
Avoid forceful gargling after brushing or even after eating food. Take soft food until swelling subsides. Even blowing air forcefully may hurt your wound so should be avoided.
Take care.