Hi James
Missing breakfast/lunch/dinner, could have harmful effects on your body.Breakfast is considered the most important meal of the day and one has to always have breakfast.
Since the dinner is the last meal of the day , a person remains in fasting mode till the next morning , hence it is called" break-fast" the meal which one has to start the day.
Due to overnight fasting , the blood
glucose levels come down and if one does not eat in the mornings, the glucose levels will further go down , causing
fatigue , lack of energy and may even lead to
fainting attacks.
In fasting state or due to irregular and erratic timing of food, the acid secretion increases in the stomach causing symptoms of acidity ,
indigestion and heart burn. A long standing deficit in calories and multi vitamin and protein deficiency can also happen and pave way to easy access of infections due to lower immunity.
Hence I suggest you to never miss a meal , be it breakfast, lunch or dinner.Have breakfast generously , lunch in moderation and a light dinner at night.This is the key to good health.
Wish you good health