HI, my baby is 5 months old. Her weight is 5.76Kg. We have observed that she is not taking the milk feed properly. Her stool color varies from yellow to dark green and at times greyish. our doctor suggested a stool test . the report says, Physical Examination: Colour-Greenish Yellow, Consistency-Semi Fromed, Mucus-Present, Frank Blood-Absent, Parasites-Absent. Chemical Examination: Reaction (pH)-Acidic, Occult Blood-Positive, Lactose-Absent. Microscopic Examination: Pus Cells- 2-3, Red Blood Cells- 8-10, Epithelial Cells- 1-2, Fat- In excess, Vegitative Cells - Present+. Parasites: Trophozoite - Absent, Cysts- Absent, Ova - Absent, Other Findings - Bact++. Can you please explain this report in detail.