constant pain left side neck and upper back especially when I turn to the left. lose balance, almost fall over . especially if there is nothing to hang on to. Hada fall 5 years ago. had a mri. doc said I fractured my eye floor. it healed up itself. 4 years after (falling on my left face (not head)I awakened to double fision. Went back to eye doctor he dosen't talk much. He fixed me up with glass that are supposed to correcrt that.
I forget the tech name of it. They worked fantastict......for abot threee three years. Then he said i have glaucoma after reading up on that, my symptoms are getting worse by the month. bright flashes, "blobs" hallciaations off to the corners. Headaches worse, Have floaters that starteed out small, now they are godzilaan and we're p to geat-great grand kid by now. I've hear about drops? I'm afraid of blindness. Have had short black outs. Lots of stuff seem to be happening in a quick manner. HELP
Glasses don't work anymore either. appreciate your precious time.