Hi, I am 30 years old, i had my first child when i was 19 years old, afterwards, i bled heavily, everytime i was supposed to have a smear done, i started bleeding. Eventually, when i was 21 years old, i was able to have the smear test. I was diagnosed with abnormal cells, i was at the 3rd stage, so luckily i got laser treatment done in the nick of time, as i was told that there are 5 stages, then it s cervical cancer. Afterwards i was still bleeding terribly. I went on to have another child, when i was 24. After my pregnancy I attended hospital for further investigation, and eventually, i was diagnosed with Endometriosis. My gp advised me to have the mirena coil inserted to treat my symptoms. She tried to fit the mirena, but due to the fact that i ve had a lot of my cervix removed with the laser treatment, and the fact that it was extremely painful, i had to be put under general anasthetic to have it fitted. Since I had it fitted 4 years ago, i ve hardly had any bleeding, but have experienced severe lack of sex drive, (i used to be verging on nymphomaniac before i had it fitted!) and feel really hormonal a lot of the time. I try to avoid sex with my partner as much as possible, as it s extremely uncomfortable & painful when i do have sex. The other night, we had sex, i had to tell him to stop, as it was really painful. I started bleeding immediately afterwards, but the pain i had was unbearable, i swear i was having labour pains! I could hardly move! I went to bed & was woken up during the night with the pain and i ve been having cramps ever since. This morning when i woke up, i went to the toilet, and had shooting pains when i tried to pass urine. I went to see my local nurse today, as i was due to have a routine smear test done, she said that she can see the strings of my mirena, so she thinks that it is still in place, but i feel that it has dislodged, as i ve had it in for 4 years and have never experienced any pain like this before. I want the mirena removed, but the nurse can t do it, there were no female gps on today, so the nurse advised me to seek advice from my local family planning clinic. I was wondering whether they will be able to remove it without a general anasthetic, as i needed one to have the mirena fitted. Also, what other treatments are available for endometriosis? Thanks