my domestic partner very suddenly got weak, profuse sweating, grabbed on to the counter to hold himself up. said he felt like he was going to throw up. I helped lower him to his knees and got a pan , he vomitted green liquid and flem; he stayed on his knees and vomitted a little more. There was no food in his stomach because he never eats during the day, which is normal for him. He has had a cold which is mostly gone ,except for some loose chest coughs. I am concerned because he has had a heart attach and a stint put in about 3 yrs ?ago. He did not have the typical symptoms then....stomach didn't feel right, so I took him by car to the hospital where he was air lifted to Mayo in Rochester, mn. He does not want to go get checked out...said he wants to give it time...I took his pulse which was about 60/min. He is lying down right now with a pan near in case he vomits again. His Son is a Dr., but he does not want me to call him. What should I do?